Consultancy to design and operate working spaces (Tech Hubs) in underserved communities - South of Jordan

رقم العطاء: 8w2024Consultancy to design and operate working spaces (Tech Hubs) in underserved communities - South of Jordan
الرقم المتسلسل للعطاء: 8w2024Consultancy to design and operate working spaces (Tech Hubs) in underserved communities - South of Jordan
الحالة: مفتوح
اسم العطاء: Consultancy to design and operate working spaces (Tech Hubs) in underserved communities - South of Jordan
اخر موعد لاستقبال الاسئلة: 08/04/2024
موعد فتح العروض: 21/04/2024 00:00:00
موعد ايداع العروض: 21/04/2024 00:00:00

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