Access to market plan


  1. London conference

Where financial support was provided by the government to 15 Jordanian companies to be able to participate in the conference to benefit in achieving new partnerships with foreign markets and to ensure the arrival of the largest number of companies in the sector.

  1. Expatriate Investor Network

Which was held in two events, the first in Jordan and the second in Dubai - UAE, connected 35 Jordanian entrepreneurs with Jordanian expatriate investors in the Emirates.

  1. Matchmaking program:

-The Silicon Valley Program 2019: aimed to networking Jordanian technology companies with bilateral relations with companies in the United States of America to establish commercial partnerships, where 25 emerging companies were chosen to participate in the program.
- The UK Scale-Up Program, which was implemented in the European market through the UK Tech Hub, where 25 Jordanian startups were chosen to participate in it.




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