Personal Data Protection Directorate


Personal Data Protection Directorate

The Personal Data Protection Directorate is the regulatory unit responsible for safeguarding personal data and ensuring the right to privacy by ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law No. (24) of 2023, as well as the regulations and instructions issued thereunder in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The unit aims to enhance Jordan's position in the field of personal data protection and the development of legislation and policies that support the protection of the digital environment.


Directorate’s Responsibilities

The unit undertakes the following tasks and responsibilities:

  1. Preparing drafts of legislation and instructions related to Data Protection and submitting them to the Council.
  2. Receiving notifications and complaints related to violations of the provisions of this law, and the regulations and instructions issued pursuant to it, investigating them, and recommending appropriate decisions to the Council.
  3. Monitoring compliance with the provisions of this law, the regulations, and instructions issued pursuant to it.
  4. Establishing a registry that includes records of Controllers, Processors, and Data Protection Officers, and supervising and organising it according to instructions issued by the Council for this purpose.
  5. Preparing the annual report on The Unit's activities and submitting it to the Council for approval.
  6. Any other tasks assigned to it by the Minister or the Council.


Directorate’s Departments:

  • Regulatory Affairs and Compliance Monitoring Department

This department is responsible for ensuring that entities handling personal data comply with the provisions of the law, regulations, and instructions issued thereunder. It is also tasked with drafting regulations, guidelines, and necessary compliance frameworks.

  • Awareness and Education Department

This department works on fostering a culture of privacy protection and personal data security within Jordanian society by raising awareness among individuals and institutions about the importance of data protection. It also promotes awareness of rights and obligations stipulated by data protection laws and implements innovative awareness campaigns and training programs to ensure a safe, secure, reliable, and sustainable digital environment.

  • Licensing, Permits, and Records Department

This department manages the procedures for granting licenses and permits, including assessing applications for approval or rejection. It also oversees the development and management of a registry containing the names and contact details of Data Protection Officers (DPOs), data controllers, and data processors.

  • Public Service Department

This department is responsible for receiving complaints, reports, and inquiries related to privacy and personal data protection, investigating them, and providing responses following transparent, confidential, and high-quality procedures.






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