

Complaints and Inquiries

According to Paragraph (B) of Article (18) of the Personal Data Protection Law No. (24) of 2023, the Personal Data Protection Directorate at the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship is the designated authority responsible for receiving reports and complaints related to violations of the provisions of the law, as well as the regulations and instructions issued thereunder. The Directorate is also responsible for investigating these complaints and recommending appropriate action to the Personal Data Protection Council.

By the Regulations on the Mechanisms and Procedures of the Directorate, complainants must first submit their complaint to the entity against which the complaint is made before approaching the Personal Data Protection Directorate. If the entity fails to take appropriate action, the complainant may then escalate the issue to the directorate.

How to Submit Complaints or Inquiries?

To submit complaints or inquiries to the regulatory unit, follow these steps:

  1. Access the "Bekhidmetkom – Jordan Portal" via the following link: Click here to submit.

  2. Select the relevant entity as follows:

    • Sector/Government Entity: Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship

    • Department: Personal Data Protection Directorate

  3. Choose the form category as either "Complaint" or "Ask the Government" and accurately fill in all required information. Ensure that the provided data is correct for successful submission.

  4. Your request will be forwarded to the Public Service Department within the directorate for appropriate action.


Records and Accreditation Forms

  • Registry of Data Protection Officers, Data Processors, and Data Controllers. (Soon)
  • Accreditation Form for Data Protection Officers. (Click here to download)


Awareness and Education

This service allows public and private entities to request awareness sessions on the Personal Data Protection Law or to access educational materials provided by the directorate. This service aims to enhance awareness of data protection principles, and legal obligations for entities that collect and process personal data, and to ensure compliance with the law while achieving the highest standards of personal data protection.













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