

اتفاقية لدعم مشروع بحث علمي خاص بأنظمة التحكم الإشرافي والحصول على البيانات (سكادا) باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي


أصدرت وزارة الاقتصاد الرقمي والريادة بالشراكة مع MAGNiTT تقرير حول بيئة ريادة الاعمال في الاردن والمحركات الرئيسية لنموه.


الملحق رقم (1) الخاص بتقديم خدمات تفعيل الهوية الرقمية


الامن العام بالتعاون مع وزارة الاقتصاد الرقمي يعتمد الوثائق الرقمية كرديف للوثائق الورقية.


Starting the second phase of the project “Readiness Assessment for Jordanian Institutions to Adopted Artificial Intelligent”


The ministry of digital economy Entrepreneurship presents the draft Jordanian strategy for artificial intelligence and its implementation plan 2023-2027 for public consultation


Jordan and Japan sign an agreement to build and develop Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Jordan


بحضور وزير الاقتصاد الرقمي والريادة أورنج الأردن والاتحاد الأوروبي يفتتحان "قرية أورنج الرقمية" ومركزاً مع "جهد" في العقبة


Jordan partakes in Jordanian-Iraqi ICT Forum.


MODEE presents the draft of the national charter on the ethics of (AI) for general consultation.


NCC received about 4 million calls and inquiries last year


The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship on Sunday launched an updated version of the e-government service Sanad application.


- MODEE holds a seminar to present the Japanese experience in (AI)

the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, in cooperation with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), held a virtual seminar to present and transfer the Japanese experience in intelligence artificial communication technology ,In an effort to enhance cooperation between the ...


Signing an agreement to identify digitally customers in the financial sector.

The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MoDEE) signed a cooperation agreement with The Jordan Payments and Clearing Company (JoPACC) paving the way for financial institutions to identify and validate their customers digitally and remotely AND that will enable customers to remotely onbo...


PSD launches the E- services project in drivers and vehicles licensing Department

Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department, in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, launched the electronic services project. Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship stated that the Public Security Directorate is an example for all state institutions in the...

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